CQWW Contest 2022


A year passed like water and we had the CQ WW contest here again. The rules are still the same so only briefly to refresh the memory.

The stations sends callsign, the report and the CQ zone (the serial number of the connection is not sended). QSOs within the continent are for 1 point outside the continent for 3 points, and within the country 0 points. The multipliers are calculated as the sum of the countries and CQ zones for each band separately and finally added together. Among the multipliers, the ine QSO with the station from own country is also counted, so at least one on each band certainly makes sense.

This year it flew really cool. It is felt that we are approaching its maximum in the area of solar activity, thanks to which it flew nicely in the upper bands. On both days, 10m band was full of DXers. I run the category Single operator, All bands, Low power, Non assisted i.e. I broadcast myself, on all HF bands with max. power of 100W and without the assistance of DX clusters and other online gadgets. This year I broke my own record both in the number of QSOs of which there were more than 800 and also in the score too. Max QRB was Australia (about 12500 km).

And this is how it looked after generating the map

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