Hallo my name is Igor I am from Slovakia and I am a radio amateur. With electrical equipment is covered my entire Life and accompanies me in essence from an early childhood, when I have He brought, he led, taught me and helped me my father, for what I gave him Very grateful. Since the young days I have always repaired something, it has fascinated me especially the electronic circuits, computing, I like to construct different equipment, over time I got to programming microcontrollers and in recent my RF technology. It’s all a few years ago, it combined into one beautiful Hobby HAM radio. Already in high school I started to transmit on The CB citizen band where special authorizations or concessions have not been required. There I met for the first time with terms As SWR or 59 + but also with the magic phrase CQ DX or 73. Maybe even The fact that at that time was the solar activity at a pretty high level and the DX connection In the FM, contributed to the fact that I became a time by Radio Amateurs. I was very happy though at that time came the first QSL Ticket for the connection to the CB zone for a distance of about 1800km. After some time I Asked the telecommunication authority to issue a SWL number and I could Official listening to the radio amateur bands. Then I graduated Radioamateur exams I received my first call sign OM4AIK then even as a class NOVICE. After two years of experience I graduated again the exam but already on the class The EXPERT and call sign changed me to OM4IK. Because I live in a location that Is located between the mountains and the horizon achieves elevation even + 14st is Difficult to work on the higher bands and the Heart has brought me The short wave band. Since being a radioamateur for me means also the ability of something Made, repair, invent etc. I started to build my own small RF laboratory. I started to buy individual devices gradually. Many I have been caught up in a malfunction. In a partially functional state and gradually Repaired. They are all predominantly older devices but they still will And, especially if you manage to fix it, I have a double joy.
On this site I would like to share with you my experience and very much like to have acquired another. From time to time I would like to publish some post describing the correction or some of my design or idea. I do something with what you do not know the advice. My articles will be based mostly on my own experience but since my education is electrotechnical, but not directly in the field of radiotechnics, inaccuracies may occur. If you have to do some or you will not agree with something, please notify me in the comments.
Igor OM4IK